
How to Get Rid of Curse Dark Souls


Curse is a status effect (with a build-up bar similar to poison and bleed effects) that instantly kills the player when filled. As they die, their corpse slowly becomes petrified.

Curse is a gameplay mechanic in Dark Souls and Dark Souls Remastered. It is a debuff status effect and one of the auxiliary special effect and a damage type.

General Information for Curse:

  • Allow the players to damage Ghosts without using a Transient Curse and block attacks from ghosts when using two-handed or left-handed cursed weapon.
  • Curse is a status effect (with a build-up bar similar to poison and bleed effects) that instantly kills the player when filled. As they die, their corpse slowly becomes petrified.

Effects of being Cursed

  • A skull will replace the Humanity counter on the HUD.
  • Unlike other status effects, players remain Cursed even after reviving.
  • While being Cursed, their health points will also be cut in half.
  • Curse won't stack, so being cursed again will kill the player, but the health will stay at half. (patch 1.05)
  • The player can still collect Humanity, but Reversing hollow effect and Kindling at Bonfires is unavailable.
  • Cursed players can be summoned as a Phantom, but can't summon or be invaded since they cannot revive.
  • Getting Cursed while playing as a phantom in an other world will not curse the phantom, but it will kill them.


  • The most common way to remove the curse status is by using a Purging Stone.
  • Purging Stones can be purchased from Oswald of Carim in the Gargoyle Belltower for 3,000 souls or from The Undead Merchant (female) in the aqueduct between Firelink Shrine and The Depths for 6,000 souls.
  • Ingward, who resides in New Londo Ruins, will cure the players Curse for a fee of 1 humanity, but getting to him can be a pain.
  • Some enemies, such as the clam shells in Ash Lake and Crystal Cave, can also drop Purging Stones.
  • Snuggly gives you 2 purging stones for 1 Cracked Red Eye Orb. You can obtain 4 Cracked Red Eye Orbs from Firelink Shrine. Instead of riding the elevator up to Undead Parish, simply fall down the shaft and it'll be located in one of the chests.
  • If you are cursed and have not yet rung the bell in the Undead Parish, Snuggly represents your easiest method of reversing the curse.

Weapons, Items with Auxiliary Effect, Curse:

  • Weapons
    • Jagged Ghost Blade
    • Ghost Blade
    • Greatsword of Artorias (Cursed)
  • Items
    • Transient Curse

More Defense against Curse:

  • Armors
    • Light Armors
      • Antiquated Set
      • Dingy Set
      • Lord's Blade Set
      • Antiquated Set
      • Maiden's Set
      • Big Hat's Set
      • Pyromancer Set
      • Great Lord Set
      • Black Set
      • Black Sorcerer Set
      • Gwyndolin Moonlight Set
      • Hollow Theif Set
      • Chester's Set
      • Crimson Set
      • Witch Set
      • Xanthous Set
    • Medium Armors
      • Paladin Set
      • Adventurer's Set
      • Artorias' Set
      • Elite Knight Set
      • Ornstein's Set
      • Favor Set
      • Painting Guardian Set
      • Silver Knight Set
      • Brass Set
      • Crystalline Set
      • Iron Set
      • Dark Set
    • Heavy armor sets
      • Havel's Set
      • Black Iron Set
      • Smough's Set
    • Shields
      • Bloodshield
      • Greatshield of Artorias
      • Sanctus Shield
    • Rings
      • Cursebite Ring

Enemies who can Curse:

  • Basilisk in the lower level of the Depths.
  • Basilisk in The Great Hollow.
  • Seath the Scaleless in both The Duke's Archives and Crystal Cave.


  • If the game is played online, you can see other players' bodies that have been cursed in the same location.
  • Curse was a stacking effect prior to Patch 1.05. The first Curse reduced your health to 1/2, the second to 1/4, and finally the third to 1/8.
  • If a phantom gets cursed in a host's world, the curse does not carry over to the phantom's world.

How to Get Rid of Curse Dark Souls


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